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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Jazz2K said:
rutea7 said:
Jazz2K said:
osamanobama said:
Jazz2K said:

So... really? You act like PS3 games are what everyone wants but dismiss 360 games? It's not like Twisted Metal is one hell of a game, I'd rather have Dance Central 2 over most of the exclusive of the PS3 this ear except for Uncharted 3... see yes I'd rather have a Kinect game, so what? Stop being ridiculous, there are good games on 360 too and the exclusives appeal to each group.

I still think both almost equal each other... the 20 or so PS3 exclusives this year are not that impressive imo... Uncharted 3 will rule them all the rest will go to multiplatforms.

Edit: I was replying to osamanobama

you cant compare the ps3's massive lineup of big budget AAA exclusives

to mush smaller scoped, budget, casual Kinect games. you just cant. (not to mention there is not even a rumor of DC2 this year)

and so far the reviews speak for themselves, as they will continue to do.

you may like the KInect games more, thats fine (even though you havent/wont play most/all of the ps3 games) thats you proagative, but you cant seriously compare and call equal in terms of quality and quantity the ps3 and xbox exclusive titles this years.

and lets not forget im leaving out move only exclusive titles too.

You don't understand, it's not a matter of quantity... so what if there are 20 PS3 exclusives? None of them appeal to a large part of the userbase except for Uncharted. Most of the sales will go in multiplat games.  The same goes for Xbox 360 who cares of how many Kinect games are going to be released if nobody wants them? In the end, depending on your tastes, exclusives mean nothing if you're not interrested in them. As for DC2... I might be wrong but I'm sure I read somewhere Harmonix wanted to release DC2 this holyday... still that game brought way more joy for me and my family than TM ever would, it's all about one's taste.

I don't have a PS3 myself, my roomate does so we share. Demon Soul is still the best PS3 game and to him L4D is the best 360 game... a matter of taste.

I doubt PS3 users would switch just because PSN is down it doesn't make sense. I wouldn't. The games are what's most important... but if you solely play online multiplat games then I would understand.

exactly a matter of taste right? so a console with 20 exclusives can appeal to more people right?

out of the ps3 exclusives i'll get 3 or 4, out of the xbox360 exclusives there's nothing i want, it's as simple as that, it's a matter of variety so dont pretend it doesnt help a console to have more exclusives and a wider variety of genres within them.

@bolded - I'm sorry but that is a misconception that PS3 only users have. You people can dismiss Kinect all you want but to some, new Kinect games are as big as new PS3 exclusives. Those Kinect games sell console as much as PS3's exclusive so why ignore them? DC sold nearly as much copies as Infamous, Kinect Sports sold nearly as much as GOW3 so both are almost equal in people attraction so why do people act as if they're not important? Ohh yeah you don't like them so they're automaticaly not comparable.

20 or so exclusive on PS3 attract as much as 360 exclusive or Kinect games... lol look at the weekly charts. Japan alone makes the big difference so other than that your 20 or so exclusive don't make a difference at all and that'S because only you here overhype the power of those exclusives. Where were they during the holydays? PS3 always gets outsold... so much for appealing to more people.

Kinect exclusives cannot be seen in the same way as PS3 exclusives because their following is different. PS3 exclusives are seen similiarly to how a 360 owner sees their hot AAA exclusives or a Wii owner. Casual titles are casual titles and Microsofts are on the simplest of levels of casual gameplay because of a lack of controller. With the Wii it is one in the same and while Sony separate and Microsoft the two in marketings towards their following. If Kinect exclsuvies are seen on par with PS3 exclusives, I don't know what to tell you but either you're trying to devalue PS3's exclusives, coupling them with games for two different groups of gamer or you're not realizing that if what you say is true, it involves an exclusive minor niche following who obviously do not like hot PS3 titles on the same level other consoles core exclusives( or know the difference really).

Kinect adventures never sold anything. It comes free with a kinect 360 or you get kinect adventures free off of Kinect for $150. So don't bring kinect adventures into this. And as for Kinect sports it won't count as this years sales so don't even bring that up. As for PS3 always gets outsold in the holidays that statement is complete BS. What happened in 2009. 360 always has some real good exclusives by years end that's why it outsells the PS3. But this year the PS3 has way more exclusives so 360 will be no match for the 360.