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Play4Fun said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Play4Fun said:

 I guess afer GC, they feel the need to differentiate themselves not just in software but hardware as well.

RolStoppable said:

There's one really easy way for Nintendo to always differentiate itself from the competition: By making the box that plays Mario games. Sony and Microsoft can't copy that. Neither can third parties.

Nintendo doesn't need surprise. They just need to make the games that their competitors either aren't willing to make or simply cannot make. But it seems that Nintendo doesn't want to take that route. What's the currently biggest announced game for the 3DS? Super Mario 3DS. That really says it all.

GC says hi. So does N64.

Those two had great games but Nintendo was in dead last with them.

So hardware is important for them too, not just software.

Those two didn't have mainstream games. That was the problem. 3D Mario has empirically proven it can't be a killer app. Even Mario Kart isn't enough of a killer app series. Zelda hasn't really sold systems either, at least not recently. Wii Sports sells systems. Wii Fit sells systems. Classic Mario sells systems.

Not sure if you disagree with that. I was just clarifying why the games didn't help those systems, no matter how much many of us like those games.

I'm pretty sure Zelda, Mario kart and 3D Mario help sell systems as well.
Malstrom doesn't know ****.

What makes you think I got that just from Malstrom? Those were the big hits of the N64 and Gamecube, and they were Nintendo's weakest home systems. You can't make that not true by being "pretty sure" of the opposite. The facts are right there, so acting like those who look at the facts don't know anything just makes you look double uninformed.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs