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Lol I can't even deal with these turn of events...haha

Anyway what were the games released during those week for PSP? I know I'm loving FF4 Complete Collections but I doubt it was release that week, or maybe it's cause of the Golden Week in Japan? That's one hella boost for the PSP. And wtf is wrong with PS3? Still number one despite the shit it gone through, although, sales might decrease for next week sales as the bad news was told I think before the end of April, I think? But I guess if it stayed afloat next week, it means that ps3 can go on without PSN, and everything would still be okay.LOL

And damn @ 3DS numbers, new games should be release already. Still, it was a very competitive week for the 2nd,3rd and 4th placers last week. Wii might get an increase when the price drop takes effect. So this last place means pretty alright for the meantime. I wonder what will Sony and MS do to counter that. Considering, PS3 is still in a good position despite the PSN issue, I guess MS is going to make the move first. Probably an emergency price drop or discounts. Let's see.

Pretty bad week for SW sales.