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Scoobes said:

This is getting quite long so I'll keep this short. You seem to have missed my point. An atheist doesn't have to believe that space, energy and matter must have always existed. He simply says, "Don't know that yet.... lets try and find out". That's the point I'm trying to get across. You say they must have always existed or their was a designer. An atheist (well, scientist) will see it as a gap in our knowledge waiting to be filled instead of jumping the gun with no actual evidence.

Plus, the concepts of space, time and energy are measurable. The concept of a creator isn't something we can measure or observe or even infer from effects.

And the question I answered, nucleic acids came from organic molecules combining in early Earth conditions (mixtures of methane, hydrogen, ammonia etc. with lightning as a catalyst). There are a few theories and papers as to how they came about that go into far more detail.

Im sure I sound like a broken record by now, but you are also missing my point.  What you just said here:

An atheist doesn't have to believe that space, energy and matter must have always existed. He simply says, "Don't know that yet.... lets try and find out". That's the point I'm trying to get across.

I dont mean to burst the bubble but you have just proven my point, that atheism is based on faith. If atheism was indeed the same thing as science as you say then nothing would be existing right now. Science will continually study to find the origin of the universe. When you go down the road of atheism you come to a dead end that cannot be explained by science alone. Therefore atheism is based on faith. To believe otherwise is being blind. the people on this post that are arguing against theism are saying that theism is based on faith, and atheism is based on science. Simply not true. Both are indeed based on faith. Scientists will never discover matter that has no beginning or time table upon it. All matter has a beginning.

In conclusion you also did not understand my point. If I were to ask you or a scientist, Where did intelligence come from? what gave us the ability to have intelligence? The entire realm of intelligence cannot be created by matter, time, space, or something that is equal to nothing.

Atheism: In the beginning there was "something" (based on faith). Theism: In the beginning there was God (based on faith).