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DélioPT said:
vlad321 said:

But I do have faith, and I do KNOW that CB is true, and therefore your god isn't. I know it in my very being. The only response you have to this is "let's wait and see what is true" which means there is a need for observable evidence to act as an arbitator.

You are right, maybe she isn't a whore, I am sorry. However, I don't see how "adulterer and liar" can be considered "calling someone names." What other words would you use to describe someone who cheats on their spouse and lies about it which wouldn't insult you? Furthermore, I find it insulting that you claim Mary is a virgin just as you find it insulting I claim she is an adulterer and a liar. In fact almost any claim you make for your belief, my religion finds wrong and I find it insulting, and vice versa.

To me there is no need to prove anything, it may sound like it, but if it was really like that i wouldn`t have much faith, would i? It`s just an expression for those who don`t feel the way religious people do. It can be used for anyone who don`t see the way they do.

First of all you are just making up a ground that doesn`t exist, as you said it before. And that doesn`t seem to be a fair aproach when dealing with something.
So, you don`t believe she was impregnated by the work of the Holy Spirit yet you "think" she cheated with no grounds to do so. In truth, you have the whole story but you no accept one part and draw your conclusions that she cheated on Joseph.
You believe in one part of her life but not on the other part that`s deeply connected to the first. The Bible says she was a virgin and she conceived by the Holy Spirit. You neglect this part and accept the part that Joseph wasn`t involved. So why do you accept part of the Bible and not the whole, in regards to this story? They are connected.

This reminds me of something C.S. Lewis said.  By the way, vlad321 says he considers everyone who believes in God as dumb...  Yet there are people much more intelligent than he is (obviously) who believe in Him, C.S. Lewis being one of them.

Here's the quote that your post reminded me of, DélioPT:

"I was at this time living, like so many Atheists or Antitheists, in a whirl of contradictions.  I maintained that God did not exist.  I was also very angry with God for not existing.  I was equally angry with Him for creating a world."   — C.S. Lewis