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NES: SMB, SMB3, Zelda, Metroid, Dragon Quest

GB: Pokemon R/B/G, Tetris, SM Land, Zelda LA, Pokemon G/S

MD/Gen: Sonic, Sonic 3, Sonic 2, Strider, Shining Force

SNES: FFVI, Zelda ALttP, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Terranigma

SEGA CD: Sonic CD, Wing Commander, Snatcher, Lunar, Power Rangers

Saturn: Guardian Heroes, Grandia, Radiant Silvergun, Panzer Dragoon, NiGHTS

PSX: Metal Gear Solid, FFVII, GT, Crash Bandicoot, Resident Evil

N64: Super Mario 64, Zelda OoT, Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 64

GBC: Pokemon Crystal, Zelda OoA/S, Kirby TnT, Pokemon Pinball, Shantae

DC: Sonic Adventure, Skies of Arcadia, Grandia II, Sonic Adventure II, Soul Calibur

GBA: Pokemon R/S, Advance Wars, Metroid Fusion, Golden Sun, FFVI Advance

PS2: MGS2, GTA3, FFX, S of the C, Okami

GC: SSBM, Metroid Prime, Zelda WW, Tales of Symphonia, RE4

XB: Halo, Halo 2, Fable, Shenmue 2, GTA: SA

DS: NSMB, Nintendogs, Brain Training, TWEWY, Pokemon B/W

PSP: FFVII CC, Jean D'arc, GT, MGS:PW, VC2

360: Gears, Halo 3, CoD4, Bioshock, LO

Wii: Wii Sports, NSMBWii, MKWii, SSBB, MH3

PS3: MGS4, LBP, Uncharted, GoW3, VC