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Zappykins said:

Good! I no like the jaggies and the 'shimmer' that non Anti Aliasing gives.  Nice innovation team Jemenez!

I know they are talking about the Xbox, but might the Wii 2 use this?  So I could upscale my old Wii games in 1080P HD and make it look better.  I don't think I will play Zelda TW all the way through again, but some other games could really use this visual clean up.

It will solve the jaggies but not the shimmer. If you mean thin lines / small details appearing and disappearing between frames by shimmer. MLAA can actually make that worse (ie standout more) in some cases. It depends on the game whether it looks as good in motion as 4xMSAA.

MSAA has its own disadvantages, mainly with alpha testing (translucent textures) MLAA will perform better in games with for example a lot of smoke effects.

Maybe combine 2xMSAA with MLAA for best results.