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Goddog, I am officially requesting two things.


(1) Could I convince you to install the WorldEdit mod? I don't see myself using it much, but with the construction of my city, it'd help a ton with clearing space, laying road, and cleaning up the god damned snow. WorldEdit is essentially a server-side in-client version of MC Edit, and you can restrict access to it to only those that you allow. Highly useful. It would also give us the opportunity to import our creations from singleplayer. I have a lot of projects I had been working on in singleplayer and I would loooooove to be able to do them on the server instead because, frankly, ever since I started playing online, I've not done ANYTHING in my SSP world.

(2) BIOME EDITING MODS. If we can find a way to edit the biomes of certain areas for people, we could GET RID OF THE ICE AND SNOW that's ruining everybody's creations. And if we can do that, I think everybody would once again be OK with the weather update.
