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And again... I don't want this.

I just keep pointing out that it does happen... and does work pretty well.


Again, you keep argueing things won't work... when they already happen and do!


Unless you are going to address why actual working private road systems, are in fact... not working... I'm basically done here because quite honestly, you are arugieng a premise that is proven demonstrably false.


If you actually want to argue a number of actual reasons why private roads would be annoying to where we'd want to have public roads... like say, not having to pay multiple tolls to different companies....

That'd be cool.  Though I'd agree with you.


It's a system that could and CAN work... and actually works better in the limited cases it's been tried... however the various "niggles" of such a system would be annoying.


As it is, you are argueing a Donkey and a Horse can't mate when I am specifically showing you a mule.  Like directly. 

Though i'll leave you with one more link about the Industrial Revolution.

and the work of... an economist who not only thinks private roads could work... but would work better