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Kasz216 said:

I've said it once though and i'll say it again.  Every point you've made is irrelevent, because they all rely on the fact that something is impossible... when there are plenty of examples of it all existing and happening.

You have a huge misunderstanding of economics that is contradictory with both right-wing economic professors (who would prefer you views be a reality) and what actually occurs in the real world.

You argue for the private market to provide roads, then the best argument you can come up with is heavy government regulation is required to make people upkeep sidewalk.  Even then you don't understand your own sources, such as the above one that specifically says, "New York City law requires property owners to, at their own cost, install, construct, reconstruct, repave and repair the sidewalk adjacent to their properties."  The vast majority of roads and sidewalks are in city property, which grants everyone right of way (you can't just walk into someone's yard). 

Your argument for the private market to provide roads is that in some places its feasible for the government to heavily regulate sidewalks and force people to pay to build and maintain them on property they don't own.  Your logic is hilarious and sad at the same time.