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Beat Portal 2 single player over the weekend and got 100% of the single player trophies. Now I just need the online back so I can finish the co-op and get all those trophies for platinum.

The single player was really fun and had a bunch of challenging puzzles. It also has a chapter select when you beat it by going to New game, which made trophy cleanup a lot easier since I missed about 8 trophies the first play. I didn't look anything up the first time through and I was able to solve all puzzles by myself. One of the puzzles took me close to an hour I think before I finally figured out the solution!

Some of the trophies are really tricky and you would have no idea how to get without looking them up... like the rat den radio one, and one trophy even requires you to kill yourself at a certain part! After dying and as your previous save is loading back up, the trophy pops. Never would have guessed that. lol