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Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
Squilliam said:

Most will point out that 101 classes are rather pointless? Thats a fallacy right there.

Figure out which one please.

They teach basics, you need more advanced classes and experience in order to actually develop knowledge past the basics.

Yes of course you need to have more experience and more advanced classes to develop knowledge beyond the basics but what I don't see is your argument proving that you need more knowledge than the basics.

Like I said, was in a hurry.

It's pretty simple though isn't it?  101 classes teach via broad strokes.  As such, when it comes to individual arguements, 101 knowledge is completely useless because broad strokes are extremly impercise.

Often times in those broad strokes what they teach are in fact... blantantly untrue.   For example in the case of Psychology, Frued and Maslow's theories are basically completely wrong.

What you learn in a textbook is far different then what you learn if you read their direct writings or had the chance to talk to them.

In the case of Public Goods.

Public Goods are just a overly broad term that nobody agrees with.   In reality there is basically nothing that actually is a public good by the definition of public goods.

Every "public good" has it's exceptions and none are agreed opon as public goods.

I mean really.... for the most basic (and pointless) classification.



Anyone who says roads aren't Rivalrous has never been caught downtown in a big city during rush hour.   Technology is pushing roads more and more towards being private goods.