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I still can`t make heads or tails on what the remote will exactly be... but maybe we won`t be getting a single way to play. Not just a remote or a traditional controller.
Rumors say it will have buttons, touchscreen, camera, motion controls, streaming content to the remote, serve as a sensor bar and the idea that 3DS could interact with 3DS.

I`m guessing that Nintendo will probably make a console that mixes the traditional home console view with portability.
Well the idea of being able to stream content to the remote seems to support. You wouldn`t have to play in front of the screen if you couldn`t and didn`t feel like it: just turn on the thing and do the necessary steps to play it with the remote wherever you are around the house, for example. Probably 3DS will be used in similar way. Probably not for Wii 2 games but for Wii (regular, Wiiware and Virtual console) games, since it`s powerful enough to do this.

If Wii2 plays Wii games it will need a sensor bar for those who never owned the Wii before so Wii2`s remote being used as a sensor bar would make sense. But, imagining that Wii2 has games with motion controls aswell, Wii remote or a better version would still need a sensor bar: Wii2`s remote.

The camera could be used for videocalls over the internet, taking pictures or filming. Who knows? But could be a way to implement a social element to Wii2.