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ssj12 said:

lol, $50k for like 30 people plus others that build on the road amounts to what $1400- per person? That is actually really cheap.

And its not a fing gravel road, its limerock! Gravel would be acceptable! It is obvious that you aren't even reading what I am saying and just flashing lalalalallalalallaa infront of your eyes to cover the truth. And several people on my road plans on suing the county because of the road. It is killing people here because the dust is effecting our lungs.

Seriously, how did Roman create roads? The Roman government didn't, the people did. And the roads on trade routes? the traders guilds made them. Roman taxed their citizens for being in Roman, nothing more.

The Roman government built the roads.  Roman law granted the government "right of way," and the Roman Senate or Emperor would fund the construction of new roads then charge the provincial govenors and mayors to maintain them.  If people were building roads themselves, then the fall of the Roman Empire wouldn't have meant the end of paved roads in Europe for over 1500 years.

$10 per square foot for a rural road, its well above $25 per square foot for an urban area (traffic control, storm drainage, lighting, sidewalk, utilities, etc.), and those are just initial construction costs.  Assuming a two lane road, thats $250 per linear foot for rural road and $625 per linear foot for urban road.  Again, low estimates.

You do the math, multiple the above numbers above by how long the road is from where you live to your school or place of work.  Then tell me that you honestly believe that everybody along the route would pay that amount every 10 to 20 years to keep the road operating.  Thinking back, I grew up on a gravel road (definition: a road not covered with earth) and my Dad and three close neighbors couldn't come to an agreement on paving the road in front of our houses.  One guy backed out on going in on fourths, and no one else wanted to pay extra to cover him.