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I have recently "discovered" (as in pulled my head out of my ass) pc gaming as well and fully realized its true value.  Ive had a gaming rig for a while and just a few days ago pulled the trigger on a new gaming laptop (sager np8150-s1 stock besides the wireless card from xoticpc for those interested).  I knew about all of the positives that comes with gaming on pc, but never cared enough to pull me away from my achievements/trophies and the comfort level I had with console gaming.  Everything pc gaming offers is exactly what im looking for, and will make myself get used to a keyboard/mouse combo as the benefits are far too great to ignore any longer.  Mods alone make this more than worth it, and I thought so enough to by me a nice portable machine as this was a huge deal for me too, I move around alot and dont like being tied down to one place which is another reason console gaming is becoming less and less appealing to me by the day.  I will still purchase certain console exclusives and the one or two games all of my friends play online, but for the most part my gaming will definitely shift to pc, especially since the witcher 2 is right around the corner.  I feel like a whole new man haha, im such a nerd.