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Zkuq said:
pariz said:
Zkuq said:

Funny. A few months ago it seemed pretty hard to find almost anyone who didn't think PC gaming sucks, let alone people who like it. Now it seems that things have changed at least a little bit.

Could it be related to the fact fact that this console generation has lost its novelty? I personally think it's more software related.

I suppose the console was has lost most of its heat already... But on the other hand, I don't think PC games have gotten much better either.

Whatever. I'm just happy to see more people discover the joys of PC gaming instead of blindly (misinformed is probably a better word) judging it.

Well, that was my case, though in my defense I gotta add that I didn't share my prejudice with anyone and I didn't try to convince anybody to think as I did cause I was aware of the fact that I had no empirical evidence to support it.