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It's a sad state of affairs when the term "casual gamer" is still thrown around. *siiigh*

From what I've pieced together, I get what axt113 is saying, Nintendo's main duty is to sell consoles, so it must release a steady stream of console sellers. But apart from that, there's no problem with them also making more niche titles, since it adds to the console library. The problem he mentions is that Nintendo is choosing not to make more of these console sellers, so choosing to sell less consoles, which makes no sense for a business.

As for this casual gamer myth that they only buy a few games: well, if only a few games are made for you on a console, you're only going to buy those few games. I say this because when I read those comments, it's almost as if they were accusing people of having the "wrong" taste, which is absurd.