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Now that blu-ray most likely will win sony has moved on to downloadable media.

"It's been hard enough to keep up with the CES onslaught of news over here on Engadget, so it's understandable if you missed the news over on Engadget HD that Sony Pictures Television is going to start releasing download-to-own but entirely DRM'd DivX content to DivX-certified products like the PS3 and DSM-330. Sadly, 360 owners will be left out in the cold thanks to that unit's lack of proper DivX certification. Otherwise Sony is short on details of actual distribution, so hopefully we'll be learning more soon."


Sony could be securing a place in d/l content incase blu-ray doesn't do as well as they hope.  I am happy since this includes the PS3 giving me more reasons to buy it once the good games i want come out.  Not sure if movies will be available but it is possible.