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Kasz216 said:
imaprettyhotguy said:
Kasz216 said:
imaprettyhotguy said:
Kasz216 said:
Dude.... Just stop, your sounding crazier and crazier at this point, I half expect you to claim 9/11 was a conspiracy.

"An MS owned media outlet".

I mean... your implying Microsoft is some way doctoring the story to "get at Sony"!

If they cared that much about "getting sony".   They'd just tank the Vaio by refusing to liscense Windows to it.

9/11 was a conspiracy do you know the defintion of conspiracy?

2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious planformulated in secret by two or more 


3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evilpurpose: He joined the conspiracy to 

overthrow thegovernment.


Bottom line is all of the links you have provided are turning had ability to access into stole 77 million of and probably nots into maybes and maybes into probablys and thats just not accurate journalism 

Yes, parse words, to defelect about how crazy you sound by claiming MSNBC is planting exagerated stories to sabtoage Sony.

Sound Strategy.

I'll rephrase though... you sound like one of the people that believe (9/11 was an inside job, all relgiions are the same and created to control people, Jesus didn't exist as a person ever, International bankers control the world and have been responsible for every war since WW2 to gain money and control, Obama is not a US citizen, Sarah Palin.


Sony said all personal info was compromised.  So yeah... that would be all users no?

MSNBC exaggurates all stories except ones that put 360 in a negative light, they downplay those ones, and it would be more to justify charging for online to the masses then sabotaging Sony, makes alot more sense when you think about it like that doesn't it, and like I just explained to the other person compromised just means someone had the opportunity to acess it, not that they did, or that they stole 77 million of it 

I didn't think you'd outright say that.

Though, great... you've officially walked through the "Conspiracy theorist" door.

Thank you for proving my point... and ignroing that this is what everyone is saying...

and that yes, compromised does mean they took it.  Or do you think they just hacked into sony's personal information database and then just sat there.


I mean, that's like saying "Sure we know that the guy was mugged, but how do we know the muggers took his wallet!  He might of just never owned a wallet, or not had it on him!"

Not really a conspiracy more of an agenda you really need to work on this definition thing, is english your second language? And have you considered they were trying to do something else entirely with admin accounts and didn't even care that they had acess to that information? And it's more like someone picked a lock into a secure room with personal information files and a safe, the personal files are compremised but we don't know that they wanted them or that they copied them or even that they had the ability to copy all of them they could have been after what was in the safe and failed to get it or just one file or a few you people are just assume the person has all the personal information on psn based on an argument no stronger then a they might not have even wanted them