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slowmo said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
slowmo said:

More to the point you wouldn't be having this discussion if it wasn't for Sony's security holes so does it even matter who did it?

yes it does because those same people can go around hacking most security systems in the world.

maybe you dont know but security does not equal invincibility. its just there to stop masses of people hacking. professional hackers will at some point get past any security put in front of them.

You give way too much credit to the "professional" hackers, they don't always get through.  As for saying it matters, it really doesn't do any good to go around making accusations with zero evidence.  It is more likely that this is the work of an independent who piggy backed on the back of Anon's original attack to probe for holes they could exploit.

i never said they dont fail, i said "at some point get past any security put in front of them." and when the attack is concentrated like it is on sony, it happens quicker.

i dont have evidence but my assumption is realistic. I personally dont think an independent would take such a big risk. I also dont think it is being done for the money because they will get tracked down easily.

remember anonymous tried to stop people buying sony products but their protest failed? well just look at all the people trying to build up hate against sony and its security rather than the ones who actually breached it. Its possible it was done to negatively affect sony's PR and thats what anonymous are known for doing in all of their previous attacks.