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- Looks stunning, runs great and has an interesting art design that is rarely seen in other military shooters.

- Sounds great, the score was really and the actual quality is top notch.

- Melee is really cool, I enjoyed stealthing guys and it was just a fun extra feature.

- Fun to play, I don't know what it is, but shooting in Killzone feels amazing. In other games, it feels like I'm shooting a peashooter (Reach, Black Ops, Medal of Honour), but with Killzone, I feel the force of every shotgun blast, of every explosion and every bullet that passes through my assault rifle.

- Level design is great, a lot more open than the previous game and it some really interesting levels, especially later on in the campaign.


- Way too many on rail sections, they should have had more of the mech sections, now that was fun.

- I like the Helghast much more thant I like the ISA, hated playing as them, they should have just flipped the whole thing and got me to play as a young Helghast who is relectant to fight in this war, but not wanting to disappoint his father was a top priority and he would do what ever it took to make him proud.

- Plot jumps, it's annoying.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.