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Also, i'd imagine the penalty is so high because if it wasn't everyone would do it.

Would you leave your kid in a school with a 47% graduation rate when there is a school with an 89% graduation rate 1 hour away?

It's ridiculious... however it's the nature of public schools.

Instead of schooling either being doen for need or for merit, it's done for .... location?

Shit, I had a pretty good school when I was young.... waaay better then neighboring cleveland.  My parents moved actually because they didn't want me going to shitty cleveland schools.

Do you know how many people there were in my schools that were there because they were forced to be?  Dozens.  They'd sleep in class, get suspeneded when they could, a lot were drug dealers just waiting until they could get out of school because in their minds they already had a lucrative career.

All the while, tons of smart kids who want to learn were getting screwed over in Cleveland public schools.  All because they lived, like... 20 minutes away?

You don't think a number of parents would be lining up to drive their kids 20 minutes to school to replace he people who have repeated 9th grade twice over and are just waiting for their birthday?