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I guess the PSN downtime isn't affecting me too much, since I don't play many multiplayer games.

Anyways, Fallout 3 GOTY freezing has started to annoy me to no ends now. The game froze up on me like 3 times yesterday, so I'm pretty much saving every time I do any progress. I have managed to finish two of the DLCs (Operation Anchorage and Broken Steel) and am currently on Point Lookout (discovering all locations before I start with the quests). I guess I'm saving the other two DLCs for last because of the collection trophies associated with them.

Also, I need to stop buying new games! I ordered Splatterhouse and Enslaved from Amazon yesterday for like $30 total (Splatterhouse is like $17 new there for now, for anyone interested), plus I know I'm going to be getting Infamous 2 in June when it comes out.