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scottie said:
KungKras said:
scottie said:
RolStoppable said:
scottie said:
RolStoppable said:




It is partly based off of the software direction Nintendo is taking with 3DS and quotes from Iwata and Nintendo developers, which is giving hints about what Nintnedo wants to do. Which is the same method Malstrom used to accurately predict the Wii sucess before it was revealed, and the insanity of Other M before that game had concrete details revealed.


Actually, the true way to predict how bad Other M would be was by noticing that they gave control of the one video game with a strong female lead that doesn't succumb to the usual video gamer's fantasies to the makers of this monstrosity. 


It's funny actually. The problem is not the story persé but the culture it's seen or played.

In Japan being respectfull to superiors, following 'the' rules and some emo-thing is seen as good or normal.

In the west sticking it to the man (probably literaly in Samus case), making your own rules and not showing any emotions (outside sexdrive) is seen as good or normal. 

The story 'problem' is cultural.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.