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not sure dude?

i beleive in whats possible yet and still that means i beleive in everything which some would say doesn't make much since. i also freely contradict myself which doesn't make since either.

i also beleive that there exsist a god because we beleive there is one by which means theres many gods whos power is determend by how many people beleive in him or her, yet i'm a faithfulist and throw nothing away with the name or pic of a god in it or on the cover, still i beleive life start with the big bang? puzzled i see!

life in other galaxies?, could prove to have relegion crushed and call us all fools, or thay could be the ones pulling the strings, but we'll never know now will we.

wether crazy or hard to explain, its all possible so why not beleive., or not cause this all could still be an accident  and we only exsist to live and die.

we could still be the only ones that exsist in the cold dark lit up ever expanding place?