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vlad321 said:
DélioPT said:

No, it`s because it contains the words from God and Jesus, along with his life. And that is defining to those who believe. That`s why we call it sacred and not just very important or very meaningful.

Ok and King Arthur contains the words of Arthur and Lancelot and Merlin, among a bunch of others. Why isn't that sacred?

I don`t think you understood what i was trying to say.
When something is said to be sacred, normally it`s done so with a context, like in very religion.
In the end it`s not a question of what you believe or what i believe, is all about the others: like it or not, believe it or not, if someone comes to me and says "this is sacred to me" while explaining why, even i find it weird, wrong or whatever, i should at least respect that feeling. That respect is what makes people tolerant.
It`s all about respect. And when you say the Bible is like any given book - that it`s all the same - to someone who hold that book to be sacred, it can really be offensive.
That`s why people shouldn`t make such comparisons like that. No one`s gonna stop you but at least consider other people when you say such things.

But stepping out of the faith domain, i don`t think it`s fair to compare a book about a simple man with a book about a divinity and how that relates to mankind in general. It`s not a good comparison per se. Especially when both have different origins as context.