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@ Kyros

As the XBox 360 did not ship with a HD DVD drive I think there actually was very little risk (although consumer targeted FUD and misinformation may have hurt the PS3 brand in the beginning). Personally I think the main reason why the XBox 360 didn't ship with a HD DVD drive is a technological one, also back in 2005 using this new technology would even have been more expensive, note HD DVD drives shipped for the XBox 360 so far are only half the speed of the PS3's Blu-Ray drive, the PS3's drive is overall slightly faster than the 360 can read dual layer DVDs (with regard to single layer DVDs the 360 is faster, but those games are small enough to fit entirely on the PS3's harddrive).

Look at the PSP, is UMD a benefit to that platform? Sure, nomatter if it died as a movie format or not. If UMD would be successful as a movie format it's only beneficial to the PSP.

Higher capacity discs are crucial for future more demanding PS3 games like MGS4, Killzone 2, FFXIII and beyond to get far more out of the system, so when Blu-Ray is successful as a movie format this only benefits the PS3. If Blu-Ray would have failed as a movie format, which would never have died completely as Sony Pictures would have continued supporting Blu-Ray anyhow, Blu-Ray is still a benefit as a scratch resistant high capacity storage media for games.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales