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Immortal said:
pizzahut451 said:
Immortal said:

Well, nowdays, people become atheists - they usually aren't born to atheist parents. That probably makes them very defensive of what they've done. For example, if I were born Japanese, I may not be really touchy about being Japanese, yet if I changed my nationality to Japanese, I'd constantly go around telling people what a great thing I've done and how awesome Japan is so that I'd feel comfortable. Or, if I'd been born to Chinese parents initially, I might start insulting China so that it would look like I did the right thing becoming Japanese. In the same way, a lot of atheists probably feel like defending their beliefs, or lack thereof. For this, a lot of them go around bashing religions. This doesn't apply to ethnicity and stuff since they, under normal circumstances, can't be changed.

So, basiclly...immaturity?

No, it's completely unfair, offensive (and, ultimately, hypocritical) to put it that way. I'd say it's a natural human instinct. It's true that people can easily control it and should learn to respect others' beliefs, but it's not as if you or I are any different or in a position to criticize. Right now, you're calling atheists immature. You're bashing their beliefs. Why? Because you have to go through a lot of crap from atheists on here. The same way, atheists probably have to go through a lot of crap in their home/community for being atheists and naturally feel contempt and bash religion. It's like a horrible never ending circle.

The point wasn't that atheists are immature. The behavior you described is immature. I honestly think that is an apt description of the behavior you described, regardless of whether it is applied to race, religion, nationality, etc. As you said, these types of responses can be controlled and the inability to approach the topic respectfully shows immaturity. There is a difference between bashing and arguing, and bashing will always come across as immature.