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I think it was because they were in a gritty area that made it look like it needed polish, It still looks amazing, the single player is extremely good and so is the multiplayer from an uncharted 2 perspective. Their going to make this MP bigger because if you think bout it, this game is actually sonys fastest selling " 1st party " game. So why not focus on the multiplayer to bring in more people? if the game is nearing 5 million copies because of its SP, what numbers do you think an WELL built and balanced Mp would bring? As far as im concerned this is sonys number 1 exclusive even though im a killzone fan and play killzone more, espically for Mp aspects. Uncharted right now is the best series of PS3 to have " halo-like momentum " as far as in sales and a fan base. The sales speak for itself. I have faith in naughty dog putting together a solid single player experience for uncharted 3. Right now im hoping they make the MP aspect of it way better along with a clan system, if they do then this game is going to be the savior of ps3 exclusives.