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Man my computer is still down so I missed all the nice rumour convo's.

If the controller is real and actually has a 6-inch LCD HD screen, it better only cost 59.99$ and have a battery life of 8 hours.....(Impossible I know). The controller alone would cost about 90-100$ then the console if rumours are to be believed are either (PS3 graphics) (2008 PC graphics) or Next Generation graphics. If it is the latter then expect the console to be 400-500$.

If Nintendo's console is this super expensive super powered machine, don't get me wrong I'll still buy it. But who else will? Nintendo has seen Sony go that route, of course unlike PS3 Nintendo won't have a competitor for awhile so they can get away with a higher price tag.

But seriously the machine they show in these mock-ups could be the most expensive Nintendo console to date.

Heck I feel stupid even talking about a rumour to this extent.

I wouldn't be suprised if Nintendo didn't leak some of these rumours themselves just to throw people off!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer