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I really don't ever see third party developers taking the Wii seriously, despite its success, this will probably be just another generation where only Nintendo games thrive on a Nintendo console because third party developers made it so.

Third party developers seem to have been so spoiled by conglomorates like Sony and MS which rely largely/solely on third party support and have money to throw around that its no wonder why real gaming companies like Sega couldn't compete. Oddly enough though Atari, Sega and Nintendo all seemed driven by fate to make foolish mistakes allowing this to happen. Its only Nintendo's keen business sense that has allowed them to survive this long. But it seems once the developers had their taste of the good life on big business consoles they don't want to go back to an era where they have to compete without offers of purchased exclusives, handouts, favors or gracious financial assistance.

In response to Sony's fall they scrambled to resolve their shaken once held certainty in the market by adopting new and cowardly strategies of randomly sprinking their exclusives on all the consoles in hopes of assuring themselves at least some profit if not a foot in every door no matter what the future brings for the consoles. They've become so lazy in wake of Sony's domination that they don't even know how to approach a generation not owned by Sony. In the end, its the consumer who is made to play the fool because developers don't want to venture the slightest risk in investing in any one console over another. Franchises are haphazardly split across multiple consoles, spin-offs and rehashes are the new answer to multi-platform support. Lessons learned in generations past are quickly overshadowed by fears of an uncertain future and an upstart return of gaming's former king which defies everything they've held to be sacred in gaming's past.