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sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:
sapphi_snake said:


2. - The French law has a security purpose. And I don't see a problem with cameras on the streets. The street is a public place. It's not as if you have a right to privacy there.

Regarding the Roma deportations, didn't they have illegal settlements, and didn't they lack identification?

As for Berlusconi, he's more a testament of hwat happens when politicians create their own publicity in the public sphere, and how society has reached a point where people are no longer able to think critically.

The Nordic countries' problems with immigrants, mainly muslim immigrants, is that they don't respect ther laws and culture. For example muslims think they have a right to not let their kids attend mandatory sex ed in schools. Obviously the immigrants don't do themselves any favours by not trying to adapt to the culture of their new country. Then there's also the crimes these individuals commit. I think immigration laws should be very strict, and people who don't adapt, don't get jobs, don't learn the language, commit crimes etc. should be deported.

3. - The problem is that the work environment is sadly still ignored, despite studies showing that it has a big impact on productivity and performance.

4. - Damn, retiremnt home, just the thought of such a place makes me nauseated. I hope I never ned to live in such a place. It's nice that you won't forget about them when they'll be old.

2. All i see is a lot of excuses for some seriously conservative ideals we wouldn't think of in the US.

4. Retirment homes aren't bad... well at least not in the US.  It's you either need to be able to speak up for yourself or have visitors because the aids don't always have as much time for everyone because of how some people are.

My grandma is in a nursing home right now and I think she's happier then she was when she wasn't.  Prepaired food, free laundry, plenty of people to meet, hang out with, scheduled events.

I'd live in one now if i could.

Most of the US ones are pretty good.  You've just got to watch out on the ones that are mostly or fully run by the government.

They're getting paid by the government so they often don't give a crap because people can't take their money elsewhere.  That's where you get things like neglect and abuse.

2. - Those things are necessary for stability and securite (and ironically for maintaining liberal ideals in Scandinavia).

4. - My problem with such places is what they represent: you're old, you can no longer take care of yourself, you're no longer needed or useful, you have no one to take care of you and be there for you so you have to get stangers to do it. Quite frankly, suicide seems like a better option.

And LOL @ at wanting to go to such a place now gramps.

2.  That's what everybody says when they take away personal libreties.  It rarely actually is the case however.

4. What, it'd be like being rich.... well not quite but...