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sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:

1) The Euro. 

2) Conservatives view on Personal freedoms and speech.

3) Economic approahes to sexism and racism that prove ineffective.

4) Only child, meaning when my parents get old they'd have to move out to where i live.

5) Suck at learning foreign languages.

6) Most europeon countries are setting themseles up for huge trouble as they try and mimic the better run, smaller and all around workable small countries.  The larger a country is, the worse socialism seems to perform due to beuracracys way of growing to add costs with large numbers, rather then save costs like one would expect to be the case.

1. What's wrong with the Euro?

2. What? Europe is more liberal than the US. There are just limits to freedom of speech of course, which is only normal, else the result would be chaos. Don't see what other freedoms are restricted (and don't you say guns ).

3. Extend this argument.

4. Why is that? Are they expecting to live with you when they're older?Soundsl ike a bad ideea.

5. I understand this argument.

6. This may be true, but I was suggesting you move to one of the Scandinavian countries, where socialism's working very well.

1) Having a currency that you don't completely control is a horrendus idea.

2) It isn't.  Look at the recent French law targetting muslims, swiss minaret ban and English Street cameras, France's ejection of the Roma,

A huge number of personal freedoms taken in the "Patriot Act" that many Americans are upset about are things already taken in many western europeon countries without any complaints.

Italy's constant reelection of a Sexist Prime Minister that nobody in Italy seems to like but keets getting reelected because of his power over the media.  Then there is of course, the above Germany stripping Irelands right to vote away!  Though granted it's an issue we're having with Michigan government but at least that's on the State level. 

Seemingly wide support of very rightwing anti immigration parties. (The US only has one anti-ILLEGAL immigration party.)

And if you think the Nordic countries have escaped this... I would suggest checking out the recent Finnish elections and the "True Fins" pulling in a strong 3rd place.

Or just recent trends in Norway as well.


The minute the US gets a healthcare plan you'll hear about the "shocking sudden left turn" the US has made.


3)  Everyone right down to sociologists and how it's taught treat sexism and racism as economic issues.  "When this is withheld it's sexism" even though sexism and racism begin far sooner then  this.  You can see it in the sexism and racism laws, and why some western euroepon countries are slowly going the USA type way. 

For example... it's often not seen as sexism if you hit on or tell crude jokes to people of the other sex underneath you, unless you explicitly insist it will involve your working enviroment, even though it's clearly causing a hostile enviroment and effecting performance and peoples opinions of you.

Often times it even looks only at negative outcomes, rather then denial of positive ones.  AKA being demoted or fired vs not promoted even if your stats are the best.

While even if you do have a case.... it's nearly impossible to win in court.  (Except the UK.)  Though the UK definition is

"Sexism is sexual discrimination – and discrimination can be direct or indirect. According to the Sex Discrimination Act, 1975, direct discrimination is shown if “a woman is treated less favourably on the grounds of her sex by a person, than he would treat a man”. Indirect discrimination to women is shown if a person “applies to her a provision, criteria or practices which he applies, or would apply to a man, but 1) which puts or would put women at a particular disadvantage when compared to men, 2) which puts her at that disadvantage and 3) which he can not show to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim”."

Again ignroitng the whole problem of "Hostile work enviroment.


4) No, they'll be fine, but when they get older visiting them will be important, espiecally when they reach "retirement home" age.  Visits by friends and family are the best way to get retirement home care