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sapphi_snake said:
thranx said:

As opposed to huge governments that want to take as much money as they can so they dont have to work? At least with corporations I have some sort of choice that can lead to a better situation instead of the money pit known as the government.

The Governemnt (at least in theory) works for the people. Corporations work for themselves, and have their own interests at heart. You can directly affect Government through voting. There's nothign you can do regarding Corporations. You may think you have choice, but it's very easy for Corporations to make a deal amongst themselves to keep prices high, and quality low, as health care is a necessity. And I don't undertsand this "take as much money as they can so they don't have to work" thing.

When you elect your Governments... the civil servants stay the same. That is, whoever's running the healthcare system under party A will essentially be running it under party B. Not really a choice.

What's more, it's the civil servants who decide where the budget goes. It's no wonder that they are the highest paid, and when budget's get cut, they're the last to go. Typically, when the private sector has to make cuts, they try to do it in ways that will effect the end product as little as possible. When public services are forced to accept budget cuts... they do it in headline-grabbing ways, as to get their budget reinstated.

Governments may, in theory, work for the people. But they, themselves, are people and work in the same incentive-driven manner that all humans do.