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ClaudeLv250 said:
Wow really broke him in half.

Well there may be good explanations for his poor grammar and knowledge, but it's rather prevalant and, again, is discouraging precisely because he so pointedly reminds us that he is a professional, a respected industry analyst, and thus his opinions are of greater value.

I've just taken a few examples to stress the point, but they are quite numerous. As another rather amusing example, in the same sentence that he sarcastically refers to someone as a "brian surgeon," he suggests that perhaps they "make halon colliders" in their spare time.

As someone with a strong grasp of particle physics (I am minoring in physics at University), I am quite sure that he meant "Hadron Colliders," which is a particle accelerator in Europe (there is no plural, by the way. It is a singular machine). There is no such thing as a "Halon Collider." Normally, typos can be forgiven if they are simple, one letter mistakes with keys quite near each other, such as "thid" instead of "this." But typing Halon instead of Hadron takes a conscious effort, which means Mr. Everiss almost certainly didn't know how to spell the name, rather than it just being a little slip of the keystroke.

Given that both "brian surgery" and "halon colliders" were terms thrown around with the specific intention of belittling the intelligence of another poster, the errors in both examples are ironic, at the very least. It undermines one's credibility when you make such errors in any case, but particularly so when you are adamant about your professionalism and expertise.">">