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sapphi_snake said:
thranx said:
Rath said:
Kasz216 said:

I mean... haven't you wondered why exactly we can't afford government healthcare?

Seriously... feel free to be number 1... get in all sorts of cyber wars and bullshit with China.

And we can have unniversal healthcare and spend less then we do now on government.

I'm not kidding when I say I would rather europe be number 1.

Personally I thought you couldn't afford universal healthcare because;

A) Your political system is horrendously broken, meaning that every bill that goes through has all sorts of earmarks and stuff tagged on.

B) Your legal system is horrendously broken, meaning that costs go up due to all the ridiculous lawsuits.


It's not due to you being the super-power. If that was the case you wouldn't be paying far more as a percentage of GDP/far more per capita for a system that's more broken than pretty much any other in the developed world.

It could be that not everyone here wants the government dictating their health and their money. I for one will never be for government run healthcare.

Yeah, I'm sure huge corporations who want nothing more than getting as much money from you as they can, while offering you the lowest quality services possible are much better at tdictating your health.

As opposed to huge governments that want to take as much money as they can so they dont have to work? At least with corporations I have some sort of choice that can lead to a better situation instead of the money pit known as the government.