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sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:

Nope.  Being number one in the world is in reality a real pain in the ass... and most people in the US would perfer to NOT be the number 1 country in the wolrd... but only hang on because the big competitor is the undemocratic Chinese.

We've long passed the age of stuff like the British Empire where being number 1 particularly benefited you in anyway.  If anything it just makes you a target now a days and you have to always be ahead and donate the most to other countries, you have to keep your tarfiffs and shit down... (i mean look at the levels of protectionism the EU gets away with vs the US.  We can't even consider a VAT of a couple percent without other nations getting pissy.)

You know who has it right?  Canada.  They just get to sit back, not be involved in practically anything, yet reap the benefits of western dominance.  Or like, Lictehnstein.  They don't even have an army I don't think.

I wouldn't mind living in Canada.  Except for all the snow.

Why don't you move to Europe? (LOL) Though the really good states are also the ones up north. And you'd have to learn weird viking languages too.

1) The Euro. 

2) Conservatives view on Personal freedoms and speech.

3) Economic approahes to sexism and racism that prove ineffective.

4) Only child, meaning when my parents get old they'd have to move out to where i live.

5) Suck at learning foreign languages.

6) Most europeon countries are setting themseles up for huge trouble as they try and mimic the better run, smaller and all around workable small countries.  The larger a country is, the worse socialism seems to perform due to beuracracys way of growing to add costs with large numbers, rather then save costs like one would expect to be the case.