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kergeten said:

4 years from now when this generation will be history will any gamer seriously look at the Wii as a console with a good library of games compared to its rivals?

Will anyone consider buying it second hand? will anyone attach any value to it beyond the gimmick motion controls? The Wii has had years to develop a decent library and games are either waggle fests that use the controller or more balanced games that barely use the motion sensing capabilities.

Don't get me wrong it has a few gems, mostly from nintendo, but the rest is crap, for all the hardware and software it has sold the Wii sure is a disappointment in terms of quality, and it will be completely forgotten come next gen.

In your mind, it appears to be a complete and total failure, destined to end up in the dustbin of industry and totally forgotten.  Do you really need to post here to try to get others to confirm the opinions you believe to be true?  If you fail to see the relevance of motion control, and what the Wii has done, then where is there going to be any ground to be able to discuss the relevance of the Wii to videogames?

At WORST the Wii is like the home Pong units that put videogames into the home, or something else that blazed the way other things (like the Model-T).  The Wii also put an end to the belief that you had to ALWAYS do a jump in graphics.  There was a need to address the control issues with videogames and motion controls have helped to prevent this from appearing on the videogame horizon:

In short, motion control is a key part of the future of videogames, and providing a more natural interface for people is essential also.  If people don't buy a Wii in the future, it is because what the Wii does is done by more recent consoles, and better.  But, without the Wii, you would still face the path of having more and more complicated controllers being introduced, and the belief it is graphics horsepower increases that needed to be the answer, as opposed to a completely different feature set.  Myself, I will still look to keep my Wii.

My take is gamers like games, and what does the form of the controller matter?  I happen to do stuff with the Wii I don't do elsewhere.