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The problem is that the trend is in the other direction. Unless political trends shift, in 30 years Belgium, Britain, and Spain will cease to exist. Though Europe economically centralizes, more peoples are demanding local sovereignty as time goes on, and we'll see independent Flanders, Scotland, Wales, Basque, and Catalonia soon enough. A more peaceful nationalism seems to be the trend of the world, and the large states' days are numbered

Now i disagree with this, as i'm also of the "World State" mind. The larger states we can build, the more we can even out economic and social inequalities, broaden our ability to enforce the law and freely interact with one another, but the reality is that the world is heading in the opposite direction

hell, i'll add that the PlayStation 4 is unlikely to release in any nation called Belgium. That one will collapse that quicklyl

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.