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Gojimaster said:
Teo said:
Vetteman94 said:
nightsurge said:

I still say late 2012 like Nintendo, or late 2013 at the absolute longest and most likely. They aren't going to give Nintendo 2 full years without any competition.

Maybe they dont believe this new Nintendo console is actually the start of the next Gen.  If the rumors are true that its on par/slightly better than the 360 and PS3 than I would agree with that as well.  They may feel that the PS3 and 360 is enough competition for the new Nintendo console.  

This is what I believe as well, Sony and MS will be the only 2 in the "next gen," becasue I don't see Nintendo pulling out a console that is that much more powerfl than the PS3, when the PS3 itself is still $300.

The blue-ray player jumps the costs up in a PS3 considerably compared to 360.  Nintendo doesn't necessarily have to use a blue-ray drive.  At this point in time, Nintendo could easily double to triple the specs on a PS3 without paying much more in hardware costs.   Nintendo actually can't release a console that is only the power of a PS3 or they might actually get mistaken for a current generation console-- Nintendo has to give core gamers that own both a PS3 and a wii a reason to invest in the next Nintendo console. 

Thats just it, I don't see them doing that, and if the 3DS is anything to go by, they will try to mimick their sucess. So expect the wii 2 to be very similar to the wii.