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APKenna said:

That's xbox fanboys for you!!! If it is not a first person shooter that curses every five minutes or blood splattered is not going to sell well. This is why it was release on PS3 cuz you will find more mature players that actually like quality games and appreciate the work.

Blame Halo and Call of Duty for putting FPS on the map, and being the top selling genre.  It looks like, outside of FPS, everything sells about the same between both the PS3 and 360 as far as sales go.  FPS is so far out in front, it is absurd, as far as interest goes.  How absurd?  Take my random sampling.  I fire up some generic FPS title that is forgettable on the 360, say a year after it came out.  Let's use Timeshift or Frontlines.  There are STILL people online playing it.  Now take some other forgettable title in another genre.  Good luck finding anyone to play online at Contra.  I would Aegis Wing is probably about it, and that is free.

Ok, I may be off here, and there may be others I miss, but FPS seems to always have players, while the rest is ignored.