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Don86 said:
mantlepiecek said:
Don86 said:

Damn..How do you edit your display name on the PSN website?

Are you able to transfer your warranty period from one account to the other?

Thanks once again!

I didn't think the warranty period was attached to your PSN account. Its attached to your PS3 ID. And the proof of purchase.....unless you purchased extra warranty from PSN or something. Which I haven't so I have no experience in that matter.

And you can't change your PSN ID.

Thanks for the reply.

If i buy a DLC from account A, can my sibling with account b use the account?

If you mean on the same PS3, the answer is yes as long as your account that you purchased the DLC from is on the PS3.

Can I transfer my DLCs from 1 hard drive to another PS3 or redownload them?

You can redownload the DLCs across 5 PS3s, but be careful because after that limit if one of your PS3 fails then you won't be able to redownload the DLC on your 6th PS3 unless you deactivate one of the PS3s. Its a bit complicated. Also for the DLC to work the PSN account from which you downloaded needs to exist on the working PS3, even if you are not using that account.

If I buy a DLC, It's mine forever like Steam right?


What is sub and master account? What is their differences?

Don't know much about it, but I think its something to do with children's account. Master account gives you access to everything, sub account is a bit restrictive I think, I am not sure. Best thing to do is just make two master accounts and forget about sub accounts.

Also while making the account no matter what your age is specify the age above 21. Some games like Demon's Souls will not work otherwise at all, like my brother experienced. He had to make a new account just for it.

Once again, Thanks for all the replies!

Replies bolded.

If you want more info about sub and master accounts you should google it or try the official site since I don't know much about it.