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sapphi_snake said:
Lostplanet22 said:

My knowledge of Hungary's politics is not enough to really understand what is going on..

Their last Constitution was better? 

All I hear from Collegues are 'No same sex marriage and no possibility for abortion'...

I don't like it but the Hungarians population has voted for them and if they really hate it, new elections can stop those laws?

President dissolving a Parlement..what does this exactly mean?  The end of the parlement new elections?
or something like a veto?

Media laws?  What kind of media laws?

And do you really have to say something like 'Glad I don't live in Hungary' 
I know it is your opinion but if you were talkig about an other country you had chance you were banned now;. Sorry just find it unrespectful for the few Hungarian members and of my favourite members has
an Hungarian cultural background so feel like saying something about it..

1)Dissolving of Parliament means ending it and calling for new elections. The new Cosntitution gives the president the possibility to dissolve Parliament whenever he wants and for whatever reason he wants (meaning that he can do that if there's the chance they won't vote how he likes on a particular law).

2)The media laws severly limit freedom of speech (for example the media won't be able to say anything that criticises the Governemtn and the President). These laws were actually written by a Romanian who is a former member of the Securitate (the Romanian Communist Secret Police).

3)The Constitution also doesn't include sexual orientation as a criteria for discrimination, meaning that non-heterosexuals can be freely discriminated against. Also the Constitution stipulates that any attempt to change the Constitution is... UNCOSTITUTIONAL. That will basically halt any future progress in Hungary.

4)And why should I be banned because I said "Glad I don't live in Hungary". So I can't express that I wouldn't like to live in a particular country? Would you have said the same thing had my words been "Glad I don't live in Iran"? One of my best friends is Hungarian, and he's been telling me for months how terrible this new Constitution is, and how he wishes he had enough money so he could move.

1) I think that is the kind of power kings/Queens still have in some Eu countries;.I know that the king of Belgium didn't want to accept the abortion law (to have the possibility of abortion)..and stopped the law;..Only the politcians were smarter and told the world that the kingdom of Belgium would not exist for one day...And on that day the politicians voted for the law and accepted...why I mention this is because I think it makes more sense a president who is voted by the population do this than a king/Queen.. I honestly don't see a big deal in it so long this means their will be new elections;.and if the population wants the law he will not be president again..

2) The problem is that Hungary is an democracy, it means that the population voted for those people who made the media laws..Sadly their is not much they can do for now.;.but the EU is following the issue and I guess when something drastic happens the EU will condemn Hungary for it..And sanctions follow..

3) See 2  It would not be the first time Hungarians have to hear that they can't change the constitution..

4) Not banned...Just unrespectfull