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mantlepiecek said:
Don86 said:

Damn..How do you edit your display name on the PSN website?

Are you able to transfer your warranty period from one account to the other?

Thanks once again!

I didn't think the warranty period was attached to your PSN account. Its attached to your PS3 ID. And the proof of purchase.....unless you purchased extra warranty from PSN or something. Which I haven't so I have no experience in that matter.

And you can't change your PSN ID.

Thanks for the reply.

If i buy a DLC from account A, can my sibling with account b use the account?

Can I transfer my DLCs from 1 hard drive to another PS3 or redownload them?

If I buy a DLC, It's mine forever like Steam right?

What is sub and master account? What is their differences?

Once again, Thanks for all the replies!