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Nintendofanboy266 said:

what do you expect getting 1 exclusive this year im not trolling here please take me seriously for a second since the microsoft fan base are boonies anyways

if your buying a new console and you compare the 2 sony has 3d gaming blu ray and tons and tons of games and exslusive's comming out this year with aaa titles like uncharted resitance infamous and such then you look at 360 with a par gaming libary but nothing anymore other then a kinect gimmick which 1 would you pick??

lets face it microsoft cant by every company in the world with there greed and finally the gaming devolpers and the world are noticing that sony is actually the surperior product


you guys should be happy that your console is winning in sales in only 1 country

plus since microsoft ruined the greatest company rare i will never forgive them and im all for sony finishing them off

Nobody is upset with you for stating your opinion and nobody thinks you are trolling.  I will say your perception is way off.  In America (which is the most important country to sell in) the 360 is and will continue to be the console of choice.  The same can be said of the UK, on a smaller level of course.  The OP made a statement that doesn't fit the current facts of this generation and then built a strawman argument from those statements.  The reality is the 360 is seeing continued YOY increases in sales due in large part to kinect which shows no sign of slowing down in 360 leading territories and you can expect it to show continued strength this Holiday season.

I do think the announcment of  "project cafe"  will bring some unexpected changes to the market.  I wouldn't be surprised if MS announced a new console at E3 or later in the year with a fall 2012 launch date.