Gojimaster said: IMO, Kinect is doing pretty shatty now. They are getting beat by a 3 year old Wii Fit product that doesn't even have close to the number of games that Kinect has. Kinect is currently selling at 52k! That is pathetic-- M$ marketing budget has clearly run out of steam. $150 is way too much for the casual user. New games and a steep price-cut on the Kinect bundle should help to remedy this problem short-term, but Kinect is never going to be the 2nd half of the 360 lifecycle in the way that M$ was hyping. |
seems you are anti kinect but ill give this a try anyway
kinect is still doing very well in uk and us and once you get full features ww it will start up again, also when the games start releasing in full force ie after e3 the sales will rise again. Kinect is not totally and utterly aimed at casuals, wii fit seems to be. Like really really pushing the casual mark, Kinect is pushing other boundaries as they would have to