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Fable 3...just completed as well (in time for this "review").


+ Artisitic graphics, good variety in the environments.

+ Easy.

+ Quite fun to play. Some good characters like walter and Jasper.

+ Now you can combine magical spells. Awesome.

+ Funny

+ Some good side quests.

+ Purchasing real estate and stuff, although it didn't feel as fun as in fable 2 because of all the unlocking you have to do.

+ Chicken races


- You have to unlock some of the things like real estate purchase, dyes etc that is pretty much a requirement from the beginning. In fact the whole unlock thing was dumb. Made it feel more like an RPG but less like a Fable game.

- Defensive sword pose: Absolutely useless. What are we supposed to use it against when we can equally well use the dodge button in fact the dodge button works a lot better. I don't remember having these problems in fable 2.

- Boring and repetitive side quests. Meaningless except for the guild seals which were a giant pain in the *** to collect and I gave up on them later on to have more fun with the actual main campaign, that actually has some variety in missions.

- Has absolutely ridiculous choice decisions. No matter what you do, it seems fable 3 thinks you have to be a bad person in some way or the other. Also the first choice itself was soo dumb I couldn't believe I was playing a fable game. The story doesn't make sense for that particular scene.

- The townspeople. Now you have to work too hard to make them your friends and spouse, I didn't even bother.

- Xbox Live marketplace integration in game. This is a very cool tehnology something I have never seen before on any system, but it ruins the immersion of the game and makes it feel like a semi-video game. You can go to your shop and buy potions! With real money. If this was done outside the game on the main menu or something it wouldn't have mattered much.

- The stupid townspeople again. Not gonna elaborate because of spoilers, but related to the ending.

Overall, the story was absolute garbage. For a game called "Fable" that's ridiculous.
