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selnor said:

Ive not hit and run anything. 

FACT I had a 3 year warranty when I bought my 360 in May 2006. FACT.

Yes there were lots on Ebay. But over 400,000. No just no.

Since when did we ever on VGC say shipped was sold. I have been on VGC a LONG time. And we have never refferred to shipped numbers as sold. NEVER. Move has shipped 8 million units. ( Which as Sony said themselves in the follow up statement to the 4 million statement that they count Move units. Which is just the wands and thumbstick. So the userbase could be anything?

And I would love to make a bet with you. GT5 will be the lowest selling in the franchise by over 2 million.

I simply leveled the crazy arse posts in this thread about 360. Because certain people tried to pass the 360 off as rubbish sales. But yet forget that PS3 was the first BluRay player on the market and the cheapest for over year. How many people bought one purely as a BluRay player? How many rebought their PS3 when Slim launched ( I know 2 out of 3 people that did ).

My point is this. Which I will reiterate because you have missed it entirely but chose to see the red mist.

Selnors point: It's to hard to tell what actual console sales for either PS3 or 360 are genuine game buyers or movie buffs. To hard to tell how many just rebought dodgy systems or actually used there warranties. Who knows. But the thread was about Move units SHIPPED. And should stay that way. Some of these new people on here trying to pass off shipped numbers as sold is crazy. Do they think the long term VGC users are that thick????????

1st Bold -  You yourself later said this applied to EU customers.  But did American (you know, where the 360 has sold the most) customers get this kind of forced extension?  No.

2nd Bold - Sony has already stated this before.  When they speak of Move units sold, they are speaking specifically about the Move wands, NOT the wands plus Nav controllers.  Actually, I think you were corrected on this before.