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This is enough proof to show that piracy IS hurting PC game sales a lot:

-Super Street Fighter 4 Canceled on PC due to Piracy (and now Capcom is giving a second chance)

-Crytek swears off PC-exclusive games due to piracy

-EndWar PC version coming after console version due to piracy; PC pirates would cannibalize consoles sales (and Ubisoft did it with Assassin's Creed and other games)

-Ubisoft CEO changing focus to consoles due to PC piracy,news-28947.html

-Epic Games: Piracy has killed our enthisiasm for PC


I can give you MUCH more, but I won't spend more of my time in this thread (but yes, I am happy to see that SSFIV:AE is coming for PC, so I will be able to play it with some friends). We all know it's a fact that piracy is a  big (really big) problem in the PC gaming industry, so there is no need to argue against facts.