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Nsanity said:
psrock said:
Nsanity said:
psrock said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
late_release said:
psrock said:


It's couple million behind the fastest selling product ever, that's a success to me. 

This is where the 8 mill vs 10 mill (plus) figures are deceptive.

When the Move userbase isn't actually anywhere near 10 mill, or 8 mill, and in a longer time frame .. it's not so HUGE.

Move has done well, but an estimated 4/5 mill userbase in 6 months plus including a holiday period ... isn't HUGE.

It's doing very well though and will chug along nicely.


Don't you mean shipping?

Selling to MS, Nintendo, Sony is shipping. Why is this always an issue, you've been here long enough. 

Are you offering me a tissue?

If I did, you'd do thread about it. I would never let that happen.  

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)